Market Research

EdCo has been delivering insight for companies working in education for more than two decades. In that time, we’ve learnt a thing or two about how best to poll teachers and gather useful and accurate information. Our 100% education focus gives us a genuine edge over generic research companies. Our extensive knowledge of the sector allows us to create engaging and relevant surveys. It also ensures we position questions at the right level and have the expertise to interpret results.

Our survey work is underpinned by SPIRIT, our extensive database of UK education. The combination of both our survey software and SPIRIT database allows us to extrapolate findings and provide vital context using simple tracking techniques.

In addition to digital survey work we make extensive use of telephone interviews and remote or face to face focus groups.

“EdCo’s market research has helped us further understand how we can improve World Book Day year on year. This year we received responses from over 1,600 schools and nurseries.”
Kirsten Grant, Director, World Book Day